Figure Drawing Reference

drawing book cover PDF to print out and use in class for drawing and measuring the figure (To use as reference for sketchbook drawings and figure drawing assignments)

Nude_Reference_Manual_cover pdf copy of different figure poses Please be patient, it will download a little slowly (photographic images of nude male and female models in various poses from different angles) PERFECT FIGURE DRAWING REFERENCE!!!

book cover to how to draw what you see  pdf copy of head and figure chapters (To use as reference for sketchbook drawings and figure drawing assignments)

figure reference book  pdf copy of head and figure chapters (To use as reference for sketchbook drawings and figure drawing assignments)

Anatomy Lessons From the Great Masters bk jacket cover (great to own to use as reference for sketchbook drawings and figure drawing assignments)

Atlas to Anatomy cover image (free online version to use as reference for sketchbook drawings and figure drawing assignments)

156753487-Dynamic-Anatomy_Page_001 Free PDF to download (to use as reference for sketchbook drawings and figure drawing assignments)

Cover Illustrations of work from Vesalius-1950 (great to own to use as reference for sketchbook drawings and figure drawing assignments)

Albinus on anatomy cover image (great to own to use as reference for sketchbook drawings and figure drawing assignments)