Class Lectures

Photoshop is used in the fields of fine arts, design, advertising, photography, mobile apps, film, websites and more.

See what the experts in Photoshop are doing when making projects similar to the Audible Montage Narrative assignment.
Note how interesting the image is due to correcting, selecting, modifying, and touching up the montage in precise ways. The use of layer masks, different selection tools, adjustments, blends, effects, texture and more make these professional, compelling images.

Below is the commercial shown in class

One of the artist’s montage creations which appeared in the video


“Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree” project and its parts

Final “Apple” project shown step by step in the videos and another version.



ASSIGNMENT #4 and #5

The torso is made up of the ribcage, spine, and pelvic bone.

Measuring points

Front and back skeletal structure of the torso

Front and back muscular structure of the torso


JOHN ASARIO- “Planes of the head” was developed in the 70’s. Now used as a tool for learning how to draw the face and head in planar definition. This is applicable to male, female and all races. Though structural the planes are not straight but instead made up of French curves and ovals. On these shapes are concave and convex elements none of which are flat. The planes are next to and relate to each other.

planes of the head anatomy lecture



Forehead                                                 3 Planes
Temples                                                   1 Plane Each
Eyes                                                          1 Plane Each
Nose                                                         7 Planes
Tip of Nose                                             3 Planes
Cheeks (including Jaw)                       3 Planes Each
Mouth                                                      6 Planes
Lips                                                          6 Planes
Chin                                                         6 Planes

Baroque Pattern Dude Project Reference

Pattern: Repeated decorative design often used as a template.

Austrian Symbolist painter Gustave Klimt and his impact on commercial pattern usage.




Process example:

Example of Illustrator linework for Pattern Dude

2 versions filled with patterns                              

Below are two different drawings in the same series by one student


Below are two different drawings in the same series by one student


Below are two different drawings in the same series by one student


Adobe Illustrator
Elements of the program to remember as they apply to drawing. Terminology is always important.


Draw a small box less than 3 inches across. Place in a rough sketch of a composition. Create several versions of the same subject matter in different arrangements. No need for a lot of details just focuses on line and shape. Include all 5 objects in each but in different arrangements.




Gesture DrawingA gesture drawing records what the subject is doing or the action of the pose. It is done quickly, without forethought or planning. The gesture drawing may look like a tangle of fishing line. The drawings may look meaningless but the benefits that you have at the moment of reacting to the gesture will pay dividends…learn to act swiftly and directly without questioning it. –Kimon Nicolaides

Ink and brush drawings and paintings



Additional Sargent and Giacometti reference

The only way to learn how to draw is by drawing, it’s not what you know, but what you do.
-Kimon Nicolaides author of The Natural Way to Draw