
Assessable Tasks and Grading
This course is intensive and demanding. Involvement is crucial to attempt to understand content, problem-solving, skills and processes. Grades will reflect a student’s demonstration of their willingness to practice, experiment and play with the Course Content and Learning Outcomes. Always feel free to discuss how you can expand upon an assignment to meet your needs without sacrificing the guidelines.

Critical to a student’s success in the course will be taking responsibility for one’s learning processes. The instructor’s goal is to help all students succeed in this course. Use the instructor as a resource. Having problems and struggles with the Course Content and Learning Outcomes will happen with everyone and is a natural part of the learning process. Communicate with the Instructor about it. Private tutoring through one-on-one office visits is available. Student workshops offer additional help.

Your sketchbook is an integral part of the course.
Can include: Your personal choice of work and idea notes, preparatory sketches, compositional studies, technique samples, lecture/demonstration notes.

I will be evaluating and grading student sketchbooks on a regular basis throughout the term. Each sketchbook should reflect thoughtfully, and meaningfully exploration ideas, media, and techniques. It should serve as a project of its own and be brought to every class session.
Your Learning Portfolio is another important part of the course requirements. It is a place to post at least three times in the semester. Along with image placement, you are to write about the concepts, process, and outcomes of the projects.
I will be reviewing and grading student Learning Portfolios during the mid-term and final portions of the course.

-Late projects.  (not late if sent via email by midnight, the same day project is due)

-Not coming prepared to class with materials, handouts printed from blog, review of blog
-Incomplete project at required level, in progress (when asked) or finished (when due)
-Sleeping or texting during class
-Coming late to class (two tardies equals one absence)
-Not participating in projects, group discussions, and critiques

Percentage of grades (If project is turned in on time, reworking raises the grade)
Attendance 10%, Improvement 10%, Quality 10%, Preparedness 10%, Learning Portfolio 10%, In-Class projects 10%, Longterm Projects 15%, Final Project 15%, Sketchbook 10%, (Extra Credit) 5% (The Learning Portfolio and Sketchbook will receive a mid-term and final grade)

1.Preparation-completing thumbnails, reading the blog and following the guidelines, having work in on time and finished to the degree required, bringing in all required supplies and any communication with me and exchange for help. Check materials to bring and homework requirements and all communications via our class blog twice per week. Gather your supplies before you leave for class.
2. Project grade-effort, improvement if handed in again, (for digital projects) submission of the project to a folder, proper naming conventions, proper layer labeling and usage, use of analog, Illustrator and Photoshop tools and techniques, problem-solving, overall comprehension and creating all parts of a project which work together.
3. Quality– presentation during critique, time and effort placed into the project, how consistent the areas of the project are in quality. Always put your best effort in, it is a reflection on you.
Each portion of a multi-part project will be given letter grades separately as will each of the images.

4. Improvement– grade based on if enhanced changes are done or not when suggested.

Homework is due at the beginning of class unless otherwise specified. Late work will be 
not be accepted without notice on the day due. Something must be shown in progress to be granted an extension. Late submissions will not be accepted past one week due without prior consent. Any project or assignment not turned in within one week of its due date will receive a grade of “F”. No exceptions. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due; it is nonetheless your responsibility to get the assignment to me on time. Please contact me right away via email as a sign of being responsible. If turned in on time, any assignment worked on again will receive a higher grade for improvement.

A positive attitude is expected and appreciated. Your grades are a reflection of your efforts.

 In Class Verbal Participation
Practice using the Course Vocabulary in class, as it will be our shared language.

Class Participation
Class participation is an essential part of the course and includes: keeping up with reading the blog, assignments, projects, contributing meaningfully to class discussions, active participation when working in the classroom, and coming to class regularly and on time.

Arrive to class on time, with all materials, ready to work steadily throughout the session. Lack of preparedness for in-class discussions, presentations, and/or critiques will jeopardize your successful completion of this course. You are REQUIRED to attend and participate in class critiques. Bring your sketchbook to every class. It will often be checked.

Please be respectful of others and clean up after yourself before leaving class. Take proper care of equipment. When borrowing from instructor put all tools away in the proper place.

Please practice caution when using any materials containing hazardous or toxic substances. Watch your fingers when cutting with a blade.

Texting Policy
No texting is allowed in class. No cell phone usage for music if texting is incorporated.